“My Favorite Idol” or “Their Idol’s Children” is a Japanese manga series written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari
SUMMARY In the tumultuous world of showbiz, where deceit reigns supreme, “Oshi no Ko” unveils a gripping narrative that explores the consequences of lies as weapons. Goro, an OB-GYN leading a tranquil life in the countryside, finds his world colliding with that of his favorite idol, Ai Hoshino, as she ascends the ladder of stardom. Their fateful meeting ignites a chain of events, shedding light on the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry. Crafted by the acclaimed duo of Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari, this shocking series provides a fresh perspective on showbiz dynamics. Serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Young Jump since April 2020, “Oshi no Ko” has amassed a dedicated following, with three tankōbon volumes released by February 2021. Notably, a collaboration with Miki Yoshikawa’s “A Couple of Cuckoos” was announced in February 2021, further enhancing the series’ allure. As the story unfolds, readers are drawn deeper into the intricate web of fame, manipulation, and destiny. With its thought-provoking themes and compelling storytelling, “Oshi no Ko” continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Moreover, its popularity has led to a twelve-volume tankōbon release by July 2023, with North American licensing by Yen Press and simultaneous publication on Shueisha’s Manga Plus platform. The manga’s success transcends print, as it was adapted into an anime television series by Doga Kobo, airing its first season from April to June 2023. With a second season on the horizon, “Oshi no Ko” remains a powerhouse in both manga and anime realms, captivating viewers with its riveting tale of ambition, deception, and the quest for truth amidst the glitz and glamor of the entertainment industry.